Biodynamics, a more extensive approach
Biodynamic agriculture (from the Greek biós = life and dynamis = power) is a new way of thinking about farming methods based on the principles of anthroposophy. It was the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner who laid the foundations for the anthroposophy during the course he gave at Koberwitz (Silesia) in 1924. A group of farmers attended eight classes whose core was to preserve the natural setting of the Earth and the preservation of soil fertility in order to improve the quality of foods men will feed on.
According to biodynamic approach when we interact with the land and the plants we are communicating with living intelligent organisms that support and balance the whole Universe.
Working together for Nature
First of all do not poison the Earth. Then listen to nature and guarantee its best evolution avoiding the use of coercive methods which are not the cleverest.We pledge ourselves to work in synchrony with Earth and Cosmos, respecting paces and cycles of Nature, the cosmic influences generated by the sun, by the moon and other celestial bodies. We work together and not against Nature.
In the latest centuries this approach has almost disappeared because men felt no longer themselves as part of nature and have since then been trying to force it, using coercion on themselves too as the environmental damages show.
Biodynamics is working on ourselves to fill complementary roles in the web of life.
Taking care
Basically this means spontaneous fermentations; minimum dosage of sulphur dioxide; no filtering or the largest filtering; fully banning the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, systemic spraying and fertilizers switching instead to organic preparations such as the two spray: horn manure (preparation 500) and cow horn silica (preparation 501). The former affects the limestone helping the soil energy, the latter enhances the effects of light and heat on the plant. Both are distributed in homeopathic doses.
There is also the whole series of heap composts: yarrow (502), camomile (503), nettle (504), oak bark (505), dandelion (506), valerian (507), equisetum (508) preparations. These preparations play a very important role in the transforming process of manure (to be arranged in a well-made compost pile).
Dynamization and green manure could also be mentioned, as well as Maria Thun’s calendar, the basis of biodynamic planting.
Biodynamics is a practical and meticulous work that requires the whole life to be understood and assimilated. To us it is a kind of wide field of endless learning and stirring research.
In contatto con il Cosmo
La serie dei preparati da cumulo ha una funzione importante per i processi di trasformazione del letame da apportare al suolo: sono le piante che ci mettono in contatto con il cosmo!
Ecco in dettaglio i preparati da cumulo
Preparato di achillea (502)
Achillea Millefolium, fam. Compositae
I fiori dell’Achillea (Achillea millefolium) vengono appesi al sole durante l’estate in una vescica di cervo e poi messi nella terra durante l’inverno. Agisce in particolare sul rapporto tra i processi dell’azoto e del potassio nel terreno.
Matricaria chamomilla recutita, fam. Compositae
Urtica dioica, fam. Urticaceae
Quercus robur, fam. Fegaceae
Taraxacum officinale, fam. Compositae
Valeriana officinalis, fam. Valerianaceae